What if...

your people – on site and around the world – could do their best thinking, quickly and easily, every day?


A collective thinking tool with a simple protocol and easy to use web interface. Groups from 2 to 2000 can rapidly address opportunities and challenges while building capacity as teams.

Mozaik enables you to: 

  • Deal with complex problems efficiently and effectively 

  • Capture information locally… weave it globally

  • Synthesize multiple points of view into high quality ideas, analyses, decisions, and plans of action

Make the shift.

It's all about people!

Your people are not a resource. They are The Source…of imagination and creativity which, when ignited, will propel your organization to success.
From weekly meetings, to project management, to strategic change, Mozaik supports teams in delivering results while building skill and trust.

Do it anywhere.

In person and virtual. Together or on your own. 

Easy to learn and use.

So you can focus on your work.  

Less time.

The simple Mozaik protocol streamlines the collective thinking process. Imagine hours and days, not weeks and months.

More support.

Mozaik provides an optimal environment for solving complex problems. Teams bring their creativity and expertise. 

Templates make it easy.

Mozaik comes with templates you can use as-is or edit to suit your needs

Mozaik connects the dots.

Say goodbye to silos! After your event, share data and context, so everyone knows what’s going on.  

The Mozaik protocol “automates” the facilitation process in 

4 easy steps

Pose a question.

Apply objective tools.

Share ideas.

Identify themes, patterns, and action items.

Free White Paper Download

Big ideas for your

In the workplace today, what people know is generally considered the currency of success. But in a world in constant change, the ability not to know- and to ask powerful questions- is the new gold standard. This white paper discusses the skills of thinking in questions, developing curiosity, and creating safe places for inquiry and experimentation, and offers practical tips for nurturing Questioning Minds in your team and organization. 

A long record of success

Clients who have used the Mozaik process include:

Mozaik frees people to do what they do best. Use their imagination to change their world.

Become part of the world-wide community of Mozaik users.

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